Recent reviews will be updated shortly!

BTR / Tanya Silverman
“The rigorous, repetitive tracing method is crucial in Lee’s mission to maintain an “objective” and “nonfiction” approach. Each piece takes about two and a half years to finish, and the artist compares the tedious process to everyday life: “tiring, boring, but sometimes meditating.”
Published on BTR, 11/25/2014

Debora Ando Print Workshop / Debora Ando
“Lee’s animations are laborious and sensitive translations of moving images (video footage of everyday life) into the graphic language of drypoint on Plexi (perspex).”
Posted on, 08/28/2014
Studio Visit

Printeresting / Yoonmi Nam
“…So, when I recently made a trip to New York City for a few days, I called her up and spent an afternoon with Kakyoung in her studio in the Red Hook area of Brooklyn...”
Published on, 12/01/2013

Art in Print / Sarah Kirk Hanley
“Kakyoung Lee’s mesmerizing install-ations, comprised of stop-action animation accompanied by the draw-ings or prints used to make the video, call attention to the daily rituals of street life—those formless periods of time in which we absent-mindedly travel from one place to the next.”
Art in Print, Jan-Fab 2012 (print)

Huffington Post / Anne Couillaud
Review of Drawings in Motion organized curated by Rachel Liebowitz and Joanna Kleinberg at The Drawing Center in New York
Published in the Huffington Post 05/25/2011
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